If you are looking for the most cost effective and efficient way to secure a large site, Leisuresec’s Mobile Patrols are an excellent option.
Leisuresec can provide you with a bespoke service; our Regional Manager will meet you to discuss your requirements and tailor our Mobile Patrol service to your needs. We can provide this as part of a wider security programme or as a stand-alone service.
Hand-picked Mobile Patrol Officers
We will hand-pick a selection of Mobile Patrol Officers, from our wide pool of candidates in your area, for you to meet. Those you select as regular Officers will be inducted to conduct patrols on a daily basis. The others will act as relief support as needed, so you always have back up if any Officers are unable to work or if you want to expand the service quickly.
All our Mobile Patrol Officers are fully screened in accordance with British Standard 7858.
Mobile Patrol Procedures
Our Mobile Patrol Officers will undertake frequent visits to check your site; conducting internal and external patrols depending on your requirements. We will check for any signs of suspicious activity, investigate and remove any unauthorised people, and liaise with police or other services as necessary.

We will ensure that all visits are conducted at random times to prevent any potential thieves from predicting a routine. We will make it obvious that your property is being visited and checked regularly which will help to deter vandals and intruders.
Leisuresec works in accordance with British Standard 7499 – Static Site Guarding & Mobile Patrol Service
View our full range of security services and if have any queries, please take a look at our frequently asked questions.
Patrol Monitoring & Reporting
We make use of several tools for patrol monitoring; allowing you to choose those best suited for your property.
Bodycams: Our Mobile Patrol Officer will record each full patrol and upload the footage to a secure cloud server for you to view. The camera records the time and date on each frame, and enables you to see for yourself each patrol our Officer conducts.
Focal Point: The mobile phone app used by our Mobile Patrol Officer has a GPS function which can be used to track the patrols from start to finish. We will upload the data for you to access on demand, no waiting for us to email reports to you.
Guard Tour Patrol: We will install Points at key areas for the Mobile Patrol Officer to touch as they pass through. This information is then downloaded and emailed to you.