Changes to SIA Licences

The SIA is changing the qualifications needed for an SIA licence. This follows a review of the licence-linked qualifications.

The SIA has developed top-up training to make sure current Door Supervisor and Security Guarding licence holders have the same basic skills and knowledge as new entrants achieving the updated qualifications.

From October 2021, door supervisors and security guards will need to complete top-up training before they renew their licence.

Tony Holyland, Head of Quality and Standards for the SIA, says

The new licence-linked qualifications will better equip operatives to work in the private security industry. They reflect what we have learned from extensive industry consultation and engagement.

By introducing this top-up training we will be bringing the skills of existing licence holders up to date.

Our aim is to improve the basic skills, knowledge, and understanding of security operatives so that they can do their jobs more effectively. This will help to improve community safety and to protect the public in the UK.

A key element of our role as the regulator is to work with the industry to raise standards in private security. The new requirements will help achieve this.

The SIA also introduced changes to what is required to gain a Close Protection Licence. The new Close Protection qualification has now taken effect. The updated qualification features:

  • Physical intervention skills
  • Knowledge of door supervisor responsibilities (including protecting vulnerable people)
  • Legislation, threat and risk management
  • Personal skills, surveillance awareness, search procedures, foot drills, venue security, journey management reconnaissance and preparing and carrying out a close protection assignment.


The SIA is including the following in top-up training:

Door Supervisors

  • An Emergency First aid At Work qualification (required to take top-up training)
  • Use of equipment
  • Updated terror threat awareness
  • Physical intervention skills training (knowledge and practical)

Security Guards:

  • An Emergency First aid At Work qualification (required to take top-up training)
  • Knowledge of physical intervention
  • Updated terror threat awareness

Close Protection:

  • Physical intervention skills
  • Knowledge of door supervisor responsibilities (including protecting vulnerable people)
  • Legislation, threat and risk management
  • Personal skills, surveillance awareness, search procedures, foot drills, venue security, journey management reconnaissance and preparing and carrying out a close protection assignment.
  • Updated terror threat awareness
  • An Emergency First aid At Work qualification (required to take top-up training