How technology can help improve your physical security

How technology can help improve your physical security

Nowadays technology is such a normal part of everyday life that to think back to a time before computers, or even before smartphones seems like a different world.  How did anyone manage without a mobile phone or email?  Social media allows us to share our every thought, however much we might later regret it, from any location we find ourselves in.

Manned security guarding is a necessity for many companies and industry sectors, especially with the growing threat from terrorism not to mention the regular occurrences of theft and anti-social behaviour that security guards deal with on a daily basis.

Could these guards be replaced by technology?  Even with the rapid developments taking place it is hard to imagine a time when we wouldn’t need the human element of security.  Much of a security guard’s work is public facing and requires similar skills to hospitality.   There are however many different tools and systems available that can enhance physical security, and when your security company combines the human and technological you are likely to receive a much higher standard of service.

Security products available include surveillance equipment; CCTV and body-worn cameras; video analysis, alarm monitoring, access control systems, vehicle tracking, lone worker protection, guard tour patrol systems, staff scheduling and incident reporting tools. 

Making use of these can also help reduce your security costs.  

CCTV, for example, can cover many different locations across a large site.  It can be monitored remotely or on-site by one or two security guards, rather than having a physical presence across the whole site which would require a far greater number of guards.  

The use of remotely monitored CCTV or alarms also enables your security company to be able to identify false alarms, break-ins, criminal damage or kids trespassing, and send the most appropriate response team to deal with the situation.  The footage from the cameras can also be used as evidence in court if necessary.

Video analysis has been in the news recently with reports about the controversial use of facial recognition software at events over the summer.

Lone worker protection tools are useful not only for security guards working on their own, but also for those in other industries such as nurses or social workers carrying out home visits by themselves. 

Some of the key benefits of using technology as part of manned security services are:

  • It provides excellent value for money, often reducing costs whilst providing a more complete security service.
  • Transparency of services; reports can be produced showing much greater levels of information along with camera footage and video analysis.
  • Alarm responses can be tailored to ensure the right security team is dispatched.
  • Improves incident management, more information and analysis is available so you can understand problems and address them properly.
  • Improves communication between the Security Company and client.


Leisuresec is always looking ahead for technology and equipment we can use to improve our services and the safety of our security staff.  

Body-worn cameras are provided for our guards where requested by the client or as the risk assessment dictates.  In addition to deterring criminal activity, the cameras demonstrate the quality of service Leisuresec guards are providing.

We are also using a new security management app, Focal Point.  Focal Point enables us to do everything from scheduling and accepting shifts to checking guards SIA licence and GPS location when they log in, and allowing guards to provide performance and incident reports throughout their shifts which are instantly available to Leisuresec management and the Client.  The GPS locator is used to track mobile patrols and ensures the whereabouts of lone workers is known at all times.

If you’d like to find out more about how our use of technology could help improve your security please get in touch.