Are you looking for Concierge Security?
When you engage Concierge Security you should receive excellent security for your building as well as enhancing the level of service your guests or residents recieve. A high-quality Concierge Security guard will be friendly and welcoming, dealing with deliveries, answering questions and enquiries; providing an approachable face to the property, but also able to handle any security needs or emergency situations in a calm and professional manner.
Sharing online can make you a victim of crime
We take all sorts of security precautions; locks, alarms, CCTV, employing security guards, but many of us forget that what we say online can leave us open to crime.
Things you should know about Security Operatives
Whether you are thinking about a job in security or are a potential customer looking for a professional security company to help your business, there are a few things worth knowing about the frontline faces of this industry.