
Spring clean your security systems - Part 3: Digital Security

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By: Shannon

We probably think less about digital security than physical security, yet it is just as if not more important.  Computers, tablets and phones are such an integral part of everyday life that to get a virus or hacked would cause us all kinds of problems.

There are lots of simple, and straightforward, things you can do to keep your digital data as safe as possible, and they are worth doing on a regular basis. 

Spring clean your security systems - Part 2: Business Security

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By: Shannon

There are many things to consider when looking at business security, but it is important to review and update your systems regularly.  

Risk Assessment
The best way to start a review of your security systems is to conduct a risk assessment.  Identify all the potential hazards, anything you’ve had problems with over the last 12 months and update your processes. If you’re unsure where to start contact a professional security company for advice.

Spring clean your security systems - Part 1: Home Security

Published on:
By: Shannon

Despite the recent cold weather we should be positive, the days are getting longer, spring is on the way and it’s time to start looking forward to summer.  This is the perfect time for a review of your security systems so we thought some suggestions on how to do this would be useful.  Rather than provide all this information in one blog we’re splitting it into three parts over the next few weeks: