
How technology can help improve your physical security

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By: Shannon

Nowadays technology is such a normal part of everyday life that to think back to a time before computers, or even before smartphones seems like a different world.  How did anyone manage without a mobile phone or email?  Social media allows us to share our every thought, however much we might later regret it, from any location we find ourselves in.

Retail losses - theft or error?

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By: Shannon

Theft, including robbery and burglary, within the retail sector amounted to £474m in direct costs in 2015-16 according to the British Retail Consortium (BRC) Annual Crime Survey.  The largest proportion of this was from customer theft, costing the industry £438m, whilst a smaller, yet still significant, cost of £13m was a result of employee theft.

Problems with anti-social behaviour

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By: Shannon

Anti-social behaviour comes in many different forms, from graffiti and fly-posting to drinking in the street, begging, prostitution and intimidation.  Those at the receiving end can be deeply affected, and if left unchecked anti-social behaviour can lead to violence and criminal damage.